Weight: According to the doctor's I've gained another pound.
Maternity clothes: Same as usual. The stomach is getting bigger, but I'm thinking the rest of me has stopped growing (thankfully).
Stretch marks/belly button: Still no stretch marks and the belly button is still in.
Baby movement: Same as before. I had a non-stress test today at the doctor's and the baby seems to be doing well.
What I miss: Not being so paranoid. Every ache/pain/cramp makes me convinced that I'm about to go into labor -which, clearly has not panned out yet.
Other: Nothing new to report.
Dr's update: I'm dilated a bit more, almost 3, and things seem to be progressing, but just not as fast as I want. At this point we're going to wait to see if I make it to my next appointment next Tuesday before we make any definite plans for our next step -so if you're paying attention baby G, you should try to make your appearance soon.
Here's this week's picture...
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