Thursday, May 31, 2012

Happy day -end of May!

Hope you all had a good long weekend. Callan and I braved a connecting flight up to Montreal on our own (he did great) on Friday to visit Huge's family. Huge came and joined us on Saturday after his adventures in Colombia and although it was super busy and went by way too quickly, it was a great trip. I always feel like I could use a few more days like that.

Callan has been on a good number of flights by this point, but I was kind of nervous about this set of flights because this is the first time he's been fully mobile on a plane and I wasn't sure if he'd be willing to sit still when necessary. I let him run around the airport terminal as much as he wanted to try to burn off some energy before boarding and then armed myself with some toys, books and lots of snacks. A big hit on the plane was the empty tupperware container I brought. He could spend lots of time putting the cover on and off, putting stuff in, taking it out and shaking it. 

We survived and now we're back. Yesterday Adelia took the boys to the park and she snapped these pictures. He was in an exceptionally good mood yesterday!

Seriously, could he look any happier?

These swings sure are fun

Time for a snack

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