In other post-partum news. Let's see.... looking back at last time it's funny to see how some things are the same, but some things are so different. Breast feeding this time around wasn't as hard. I don't know if it's because I knew what I was doing or if Nora did, but she was great from the get go. My milk came in quickly (within a few days of birth) and (obviously) Nora has been doing great. She's big and thriving and I clearly do not make skim milk (more like milkshakes). Not only do we make giant babies, we also make really stubborn ones. We have yet another baby who is currently in a standoff with the bottle. However, if anyone can crack the code, I'm sure it's Adelia.
As for weight loss, making milk shakes sure is a calorie burner. I thankfully didn't gain as much weight this time around (although I did still manage to gain 45 lbs) and now 10.5 weeks post-partum I've lost all but about 10-15 lbs. I'm definitely still jiggly (especially in the middle), but hopefully with time (and probably some exercise and cutting out the extra food group called "chocolate" that I've added to my diet), I'll be back to fighting weight.
Physically, I thought the recovery was better too. TMI, but I think there was less bleeding after and I wasn't as sore. I remember going to Starbucks after Callan was born was an event. And at that time we lived in an elevator building. Now we live on the 4th floor (so lots of stairs) and I kept forgetting that I wasn't supposed to be lifting anything heavier than the baby for the first week or so. I kept wondering why I was so sore carrying the baby in the infant carseat and Callan (along with the baby bag or whatever else I had). So again, it might be because my body knew what to expect, or I was just in better shape (and a little lighter), or it was just because I didn't have any other choice. When you're a new mom with one little baby you can lounge around a lot (don't get mad, I'm not saying taking care of a baby isn't hard work), but once you throw a toddler into the mix, there's not a lot of sitting or napping when the baby naps going on!
Well, that's about it. We're settling into our new routine as a family of 4 and although there will be challenges along the way, these 2 make it all worthwhile.
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