Friday, December 31, 2010
Resolutions old and new.
1. My workout -for awhile I was doing really well... but then, well I kind of fell of the wagon (so to speak) and then I got pregnant. I know that being pregnant doesn't mean you can't work out, but my first trimester was real rough and I just wasn't able to. I am back on it and will continue to throughout the rest of my pregnancy and 2011.
2. Weight loss -well, I didn't lose the last 15 lbs I was hoping to. I got pretty close though -and then I got pregnant! haha, so I don't think this is a complete failure, but sort of.
3. Volunteering -yah, that just didn't happen, but don't think I didn't feel bad about it a lot.
4. Limit tv watching -um... hm... nope, not at all.
5. Home more organized -well that sort of happened. Now if only I could get my husband on board!
So my resolutions for 2010 didn't work out so well, but that won't stop me from making more resolutions for 2011! Let's see:
1. Working out -this is definitely one I plan on sticking with as it will also help me with #2. I also plan on running at least 1 half marathon this year, maybe two.
2. Lose weight -I'll need to shed the baby weight. Granted I haven't had the baby yet, so I'm not sure how much I'll need to lose, but my plan is to shed the weight and get down to fighting weight. I'll have to remember to do a mid-year progress report on the resolutions and can update everything accordingly. And considering the amount of weight I've gained so far, this could be a doozy.
3. Hobby -I'd like to pick up a hobby. I haven't quite figured out what it is yet, but maybe some sort of "crafting"?
4. Organize my house -now that I'm going to have another person living in my house I need to be as organized as possible and keep it as neat and decluttered.
So far that's all I've got. I know 2011 is going to bring about a lot of changes so I don't want to make too many resolutions, but this is a good starting point. What are your resolutions? (maybe I'll "borrow" a couple!).
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Money spent

Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Week 23/24
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Christmas follow up
I splurged and bought myself a really nice flat iron. I currently have a cheap $20 conair flat iron that doesn't really do a whole lot and mostly just makes my hair warm. It is actually the bane of my existence. So on the recommendation of my sister-in-law I splurged on a Sedu flatiron -I'm hoping it's all I dream of and more, especially since I currently despise how my hair looks when I don't bother to blow dry it straight, which is currently 95 -99% of the time! Definitely more than my old $20 iron and definitely a bit of a splurge, but if it makes me like my hair 95-99% of the time, then it will be worth every penny. And I was able to use some Christmas money, so it was like someone else bought it for me!
But what else should I do with my money? I want a new pair of wellies as my current pair are pretty uncomfortable to walk in. I know Hunter boots are the creme de la creme, but I have a hard time shelling out $150 for rubber boots. Should I just bite the bullet and do it since I know they'll last? Or should I be a little bit more reasonable and get something else? In the same line, I've been debating the whole Tory Burch Reva flat thing. For a long time I despised them w/ the enormous buckle/logo-but there is a cute pair that caught my eye that has a black logo so it's a little bit more subtle.

Help -I've never had a problem spending money shopping... but I need some ideas, what should I do with my Christmas money?!?
We got totally spoiled (per usual), had a great Christmas and even escaped Boston before the big snowstorm hit. Hope you all had a great Christmas and now I need to go figure out what to buy with my Christmas money!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Week 21/22
Maternity clothes: I am getting bigger, but still in regular tops. Def. maternity pants and I'm starting to wear some maternity dresses, but I think they make me look bigger as they're probably made to accentuate the bump. It's kind of nice being able to stretch my wardrobe a bit, but it does make getting dressed in the morning a little bit harder.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Week 20/21 -halfway there!
Carrying high or low: I'm not super big, but I think it's kind of low, so that means boy.
Heartbeat: The heartbeat at all the appointments has been over 140, so that means girl. (Coincidentally, at the anatomy scan, the heartbeat was 138, so that would have been boy).
Sweet vs Salty cravings: I've always been more salty/sour over sweet and pregnancy hasn't changed that (in fact at the beginning sweets made me sick), so that means boy.
Chinese birth chart: That says boy.
Even vs Odd: According to Mayan legend depending whether on the age of the mother at conception and the year are even or odd can tell you the sex. I was an odd age and an even year, so that means boy.
Ring test: We could never really get this to work, but generally it was in some sort of circle, so that would mean boy.
Huh, now that I look at all this, I guess we shouldn't have been so surprised it was a boy! Oddly enough almost everyone who ventured to guess what I was having said girl... but maybe the old wives tales aren't so old fashioned.
Now for the regular weekly update:
How much weight have you gained: I am now up officially 15 lbs. For 20/21 weeks that's not bad, but I'm a little afraid of what the next 20 weeks will bring...
Maternity clothing: I am in maternity pants full time (minus my sweatpants, pajamas and anything I owned pre-pregnancy that had an elastic waistband). I'm still swinging regular tops (which is why I say I'm carrying low), but those are starting to get shorter and shorter so I'm assuming that I may not need them for width, but I will start needing them for height. As you can see from my picture below, that is a regular non-maternity tank top that is starting to creep up (although wearing low slung pajama bottoms probably isn't the best indication of how long it is).
Stretch marks: None yet, and I really hope I don't get them. Not to be vain as I never had a great looking stomach to begin with (more because of the excess flab than anything else), but I don't think I fully comprehended what stretch marks were and now that I've seen pictures, they are kind of gross. I know now that I said this I'm destined to get lots of deep purple ugly ones, but I'm really hoping that passes me by.
Baby movement: Yes, we have definitely felt the baby move. I have an anterior placenta so the doctor thought it might be a bit longer before I felt anything and definitely didn't expect Huge to be able to feel it yet, but we both have and it's pretty cool. They're not super strong yet and still more like flutters, but strong enough to feel from the outside and day by day they seem to be getting more frequent and defined.
Cravings/Aversions: Nothing
What do you miss: This weekend we had friends in town visiting and we went to some great beer bars. I had a sip or two to taste some of the beers, but I kind of missed that. It was the first time though and it wasn't that big of a deal, but I forgot how tasty some beers are.
Other: I've been having sciatic pain (or at least I think that's what it is) and it literally is a pain. It sometimes feels like Baby G is on my (last) nerve (haha) and it's super uncomfortable. I'm a little afraid of what the future holds b/c I'm definitely not that big and have a whole lot more growing to do!
Also, we had our anatomy scan on Friday as mentioned and although it put our minds at ease about a lot things it also brought up some other concerns. It seems that I have partial placenta previa -where the placenta partially is blocking the cervix. At this point it's early and there's still time for the placenta to move, but it could be an issue later when it comes to delivery if it hasn't. And then there's the issue of SUA (single umbilical artery) -the umbilical cord has one artery and one vein instead of the usual two arteries and one vein. This could pose a problem with organ development and then later with the baby's growth. My doctor doesn't think there's a problem, but they have to check everything and will keep an eye on how things progress. I joked that it might work to my advantage and give me a regular sized baby instead of the giant one I was destined to have! To be honest I'm trying not to be too concerned, but it's still kind of worrisome. I would have preferred a total "everything is fine" kind of appointment. Oh well. I have another more detailed ultrasound scheduled for Thursday and we'll get to see the little peanut then. Until then here is my ever expanding belly!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Week 19/20
How much weight have you gained: I've gained a few more pounds this week. I've decided I should start weighing in on Fridays so I don't have an official weight, but it's probably close to another 2 or 3 lbs this week -which is now just getting ridiculous as it would put me at around 15 lbs for 20 weeks.
Maternity clothing: I have come to enjoy my maternity pants. I'm still not really in maternity shirts, but I'll wear some around the house. Today I'm wearing a non-maternity outfit (wrap dress and tights), but I did have a little run in with the tights being, well too tight, so I had to cut the waistband a bit.
Stretch marks: No, but with the amount of weight I'm gaining I'm sure it's only a matter of time! Belly Button in or out: In, but the crease that was my waist is getting shallower and shallower. I think I will soon go from the "B" stomach to the "D" (how it looks from the side).
Baby movement: This week there has been a lot more movement and Huge felt his first little flutters from the outside, so that was really exciting.
Work out:I've started to work out again in the morning (ok, so it's only been two mornings, but it's a start).
Cravings: Nothing.
Aversions: No.
What do you miss: Nothing really.
Other: I haven't had a headache this week and the dizziness is gone too. I do find myself gettting really full quickly and if I overeat I feel the afteraffects for awhile and it's pretty uncomfortable. I need to find the balance between eating until I'm not hungry, but not overstuffing myself. Of course Thanksgiving this week didn't help matters!
Like I said, I'm officially big. I feel big and my stomach is definitely sticking out. I think in regular clothes I'm still in that "is she pregnant or fat" stage, but probably won't for much longer. I haven't had any strangers ask if I'm pregnant yet, but that's probably only a matter of time too!
P.S. I really should come up with better names for these posts!
P.P.S. We are finding out the sex of the baby (assuming baby G cooperates) on Friday! Yea!
Friday, November 26, 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Week 18/19
How far along: 18 weeks, 4 days
How much weight have you gained: 12 -it's definitely coming on fast and steady these days... I'm a little nervous, but haven't really done much to curb it and I'm sure with the holidays coming up, it's not going to get any easier either!
Maternity clothing: I just recently (i.e. today) embraced maternity pants. I've gotten pretty wide recently so wearing regular pants became pretty uncomfortable by the end of the day. I guess I don't need maternity clothing yet, but it definitely is more comfy!
Stretch marks: No
Belly Button in or out: Still in, but it's definitely getting wider. Huge thinks it's going to pop out any day now, but I think we've still got a good few months to go.
Baby movement: I keep saying yes, but nothing definitive and nothing from the outside.
Work out: Yah, I've been slacking and now that I'm not walking to work anymore I really need to start something. This may also be contributing to the recent (and rapid) weight gain.
Cravings: Nothing yet, or nothing stronger than my previous non-pregnancy cravings.
Aversions: Nope, all is good.
What do you miss: I miss my regular pants. I have an extensive collection and I'm not able to wear any of my winter ones -I'm going to completely bypass the season! I also miss skirts. I haven't bought any maternity ones and my pre-pregnancy pencil skirts are not going to work. Other: The headaches are finally dying down. They still come around once in a while, but definitely not with the consistency they were. I would say I'm down to about 1 a week, which is great b/c I was up to 3-4 before.
This is the most recent picture (taken on Sunday), but I think since then I've popped, so next week's picture will probably show a big growth -although it might just be Thanksgiving dinner!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Week 17/18
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Week 16/17
I'm not sure if I can actually feel the baby move yet, there are these twinges that I think *might* be the baby, but I'm not really confident in saying that I've felt it. Still not in maternity clothes, but I did go shopping for some over the weekend, so once I'm the right size I'll be all set!
Here's the belly. I'm still waiting for it to become a round pregnancy belly rather than the thick gut look I've got going on now. At night the belly is definitely a lot bigger and looks more "pregnant", but it's not consistent in that round, sticking out kind of way. At least not yet. I think I'll feel better about the weight gain when it looks more like I'm pregnant and less like I've been inhaling potato chips in my spare time.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Week 15/16
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Week 14/15
I am currently in week 15 -I am 14weeks and 3 days pregnant. The math kind of confuses me, but I guess it's semantics. The baby is a size of a navel orange this week, which seems pretty big to me. I'm definitely starting to show a bit more, but I'm still just mostly feeling thick. I'm not quite big enough for maternity clothes, but definitely too big for my regular pants. I've been wearing them all unbuttoned with a belly band over it. All my shirts are still fitting, but I'm not sure how much longer that will last. Thankfully the morning sickness is over and I really only get nauseous if I go too long without eating. I'm trying to eat on a schedule, but I also am trying not to gain 50+lbs... so we'll see how that goes. My reaction to sugar has stuck around, but it's definitely not as bad. Sweets leave a bad taste in my mouth and my stomach isn't super happy, but I no longer feel like I'm going to spontaneously vomit from it.
Other than that, I'm starting to feel more like myself. I'm still going to bed ridiculously early and getting a lot of sleep, but I no longer feel like death warmed over. We also bought a doppler -a very unnecessary purchase, which stemmed from an incident a few weeks ago (that I have totally recovered from), but since I was unwilling to march myself to the doctor and insist they check to make sure everything was still in order, Huge decided the next best thing was to order a doppler for home. I guess until we can feel the baby move to reaffirm it's presence the doppler is a nice way to hear what's going on with the little bugger.
Even though I know I'm pregnant, it still feels kind of surreal. I'd love to feel the baby move and maybe feel more of a connection to it. I've started to plan for the baby (called insurance and started looking for day care options), but it still feels pretty surreal. I definitely haven't gotten that "nesting" urge and for the most part think that we'll just figure it out when the time comes. I'm not sure that's the best way to prepare, but I do think it's a good attitude! So we'll see what the next few weeks bring.
For some reason these pictures are minuscule, but this is last week and this week's "bump". You can see it growing, but you would still have to wonder if it was too many slices of pizza or an actual baby going on in there...
Thursday, October 14, 2010
First Trimester
Other than that the first trimester has been pretty fast. We got to see the little bugger a couple of times now and so far so good. I'm keeping my fingers (and toes) crossed that everything goes smoothly and hoping the ultrasound on Friday (tomorrow!) goes well. Now that the secret is out and I've told work and friends (and pretty much anyone else who will listen), it's starting to kick in that this is real. There's going to be a baby come April 2011 whether we're ready or not! Who's taking bets on that?
Monday, October 11, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Still Recovering
After we all headed up to Healdsburg in Sonoma County to celebrate for the weekend. The house was gorgeous... totally my dream house.

It had an amazing wrap around porch that you could just imagine sitting on and enjoying a lovely evening cocktail. There was also a pool and hot tub along with an enormous dining table outside, which is where we had the formal dinner on Friday night.
The wedding was small -in total 17 people and as intimate of a setting as it was and as much fun as I had with my friends there, I couldn't imagine having such a small wedding. Granted I had a much larger (240 person) wedding, but even then I couldn't imagine having my wedding without all those people. It would have been hard -but then again, it was a completely different wedding experience than my friend's.
Anyway, the weekend was a lot of fun. My best friend who got married has been my friend for over 12 years now and 2 other college friends of ours were there, one of whom I haven't seen since my wedding over 2 years ago.
On Sunday we drove back to San Francisco where Huge and I (and my other college friend) spent the day meandering around the city. We got to see the pier and wharf area, saw the seals, the painted ladies (where the Tanners from Full House lived) and other assorted San Francisco treats. Huge and I took the red eye home, but the flight back to Chicago is too short to be a real overnight flight so Monday was a bit of a disaster. I have come to appreciate all the sleep I can get, so I'm still recovering, but it was all worth it to see 1 of my favorite people get married (and his wife is just as lovely and lucky).
Monday, September 13, 2010
A case of the tireds
I'm so tired that all I can think about is how tired I am... sigh. Ok, my pity party is over. Back to work and trying to think about something other than how tired I am...
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Nervous and Anxious
This weekend is Huge’s brother’s wedding –so I don’t want to break the news to his family before the wedding. I’m thinking after will be more appropriate, but again, I’m sure people are going to wonder when I’m not partaking in the open bar! Sigh, I should have given up drinking a long time ago so that my cover story would be more feasible!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
Beginning Again
BUT, I don’t want to taint this experience because of the heartache and hopelessness I experienced after my first…. I want this to be my first and to enjoy and relish and remember the whole experience. So this is it –the beginning, which deserves it’s own announcement. I am pregnant!
Monday, August 9, 2010
July recap.
Let’s see… July was full of family fun. It kicked off with a visit from my parents for the 4th of July weekend. It is always great seeing my parents and they are such easy houseguests as they are able to entertain themselves and don’t require a lot of hand holding by moi! They have been coming out 1ce or 2ce a year since I moved, and I am hoping they continue that tradition. We used their visit as a good excuse to eat at Tompalabampo. This is Ricky Bayless’ upscale restaurant and although pretty pricey, I felt it was really worth it. My mom, dad and I got the White House tasting menu (the menu Chef Bayless served at the Whitehouse for the state dinner w/ the Mexican president), and Huge got the adventurer’s tasting menu (of course). All the food, flavors and sauces were excellent and definitely a restaurant worth going to if you can get a reservation (We had to book our table over a month out and we ate during the week!) and a little extra cash!
4th of July is one of my favorite holidays because of my LOVE of fireworks snd our apartment is a great place to be on the 4th. We have a western view what is pretty unobstructed, so we can see all the fireworks displays from the western neighborhoods and suburbs and all the way south by the United Center and north to Logan Square. I am not exaggerating when I say that we watched a continuous stream of fireworks for hours! We had some friends over including our friends’ daughter who is 3 and we had a ball watching all the fireworks. It was also fun having a little one hanging out with us –she is a total doll and after a warming up period made friends with everyone there. It’s funny how someone so small captivates so much attention.
Later in the month my brother and sister-in-law came for a visit with their two nieces. I’m not sure if my brother and his wife are crazy, or just the best uncle/aunt ever, but they took the girls on a two week road trip to Montreal, Toronto, Niagra Falls and then to Chicago. It was nice to see them and hang out, but because they came during the week I didn’t get to spend as much time with them. I think they had a good time and the girls were very well behaved, so although it was a full house, it was still fun for everyone.
What else… July also was the month where I finally bought a bike! I haven’t done a ton of biking, and definitely haven’t gone very far on it, but so far have really enjoyed it. It’s been nice to explore a little bit of the city and to get from point A to point B much faster than if I was walking! This is also the summer of Huge being away… he was out of town weekends in July and August is no better. So I think that’s it. I can’t believe it’s August and that the summer is almost over. The next few weeks are going to be very busy w/ Huge’s birthday dinner and then a trip to Montreal at the end of the month for Huge’s brother’s wedding. It’s going to be a fun month and hopefully doesn’t go by too fast!
Friday, July 23, 2010
So let's catch you up on what's been going on in my world. Hm... not a whole lot. I've been doing a bunch of bike riding, which I am really happy about. My biggest fear was actually that I would hate biking and that I would have spent all this money on a bike and gear and never want to use it. But, it hasn't been like that at all. It's a pretty neat way to get around town and get a little bit of fresh air. Last week I went on a bike ride by myself just to get some air! Tomorrow night I am going to attempt my first solo night bike ride. I'm actually a little bit nervous about it, but I think I'll be ok.
What else... in other exercise news, I haven't been doing any! I know, it's terrible. I decided the best way to get me to stop running is to tell everyone on the internet my plans to run. It's very counterintuitive, but the last time I talked about my plan to run a 10k or a half marathon, my running frequency and distance took a sharp downturn.
Work is work (and not to be discussed on the internet) and home life is good. We currently have some visitors (hi!) staying with us, but they are leaving tomorrow morning so the house will be quiet again. My brother, sister-in-law and their two nieces are in town for a few days at the end of their road trip that started in Boston, went up to Canada to Montreal and Toronto and then back into the States to Chicago. That in and of itself is a lot of driving, but they are also doing this in a mini cooper! Call me crazy, but I think that's nuts! But they seem to be having a good time and they still are talking to each other, so I guess it's been a success so far.
Well I'm hoping for this day to fly by so I can go home, hang out with the visitors and maybe go to bed early. This past week has been a doozy in the sleep department and I'm not just tired, but I'm actually exhausted. So a weekend of sleeping in is on my agenda!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Two years (and a day)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Thursday, July 8, 2010
Welcome July with a bang
My parents were also visiting from Boston, so it was fun to have them around for a few days. We didn't do anything super crazy and exciting, but it was fun nonetheless. We also (finally) ate at Tompolobampo -Rick Bayless' upscale place. It was really, really tasty food and definitely recommend going. Just be warned that you have to prepare ahead of time and get reservations early. And also if you're on a budget, you should save up! We pretty much spent our entire monthly budget for going out on this one weekend extravaganza -although the majority of it was for this one meal.
Other than that July has become very hot and humid in Chicago. I won't complain since we have a winter of cold coming (just around the corner), but it does make being outside a little less than desireable. Speaking of being outside... I want to buy a bike. Huge bought one and is enjoying riding to and from work, but I want one to be able to traverse the city and go explore the neighborhoods. The problem is that bikes are expensive! And I haven't ridden one in YEARS -and although there are bike paths and lots of bikers in the city, it still seems a bit precarious... so I think I'm going to bite the bullet and buy a bike this weekend. I'll let you know how my maiden voyage goes!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
June recap
Huge was away for half of it and it was nice to have him back home. I went to a Cubs game with some friends, did some running and started shopping more organically and locally. Other than that, nothing really exciting. I did complete my workout challenge for the month (15 workouts) by the skin of my teeth, squeezing in my last workout this morning! However, I did not lose any weight this month and that was kind of disappointing. Mother nature came back with a vengeance and I'm hoping tha accounts for a bit of the weight (I'm trying to say it's water weight.. haha). I also was successful in my shopping hiatus and did not buy any clothes or shoes this month -although now that i think about it, I may have bought 2 dresses from Banana and I'm not sure if that was this month or at the very end of last. (I just checked -it was at the very end of last month, so I'm safe!)
So that in a nutshell is June. July is shapping up to be a busy month -actually looking at the calendar, the whole summer is -but my goal for July is to continue my ban on shopping and to work out 15 times this month. Additionally, I want to continue to streamline my life and organize my house more. That will be harder to quantify, but that is part of my goal. And if I can manage to lose the last 10 lbs, then that would also contribute to a successful July. Hope everyone had a great June and that everyone is looking forward to July!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Food binge
Monday, June 21, 2010
Of course, I haven't read a whole lot of research -just the aforementioned books/movies, but I do think there has to be something to it. There is a noticeable increase in food allergies and obesity and early onset puberty in kids... something is happening to cause this and one thing that comes to mind is our diet and specifically our food source. I know ideally we would eat local and seasonal, but that isn't possible a lot of the times. In the summer months we do buy our produce almost exclusively at farmer's markets, which may not be organic, but they are local and I do want to support the smaller farms.
But what do you think? Is Whole Foods a scam? Is organic just a bunch of hype? Are consumers to blame for the demand for cheap inexpensive food?
Weekend recap
I was successful in my quest not to drink too much. We went to the graduation party on Friday, which evolved into a night of games at our apartment with some of Huge's friends from work. It was a rather drunken night for many of the attendees, but I managed to show some restraint. Saturday morning I went to my weight class (and struggled through it!) and then went to Whole Foods to do some grocery shopping and then spent the night up in Logan Square.
Anyway, I had a great weekend, but other than my weight class I didn't run... so kind of a fail in that respect. If I can keep my eyes open long enough t0night, I'll go to the gym and finally do that run.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Sidelined by the sniffles
In other news... I don't have any. I have been eating a lot of junk food and really need to kick the habit. I also have total baby brain (as in babies on the brain) and have been spending numerous hours "researching". Fittingly there was an article in the Chicago Tribune about the cost of raising kids. Eek, if I was nervous about my budget before, now I am doubly so! Also I am trying to cut back on my drinking. After my last two weekend benders (read about here, here, and here), my body could use a break. I have no problem saying no, but once I start it's hard to stop (does that mean I have a problem?!?). So I figured out a solution! To two problems actually -I'm going to officially train for the Chicago half marathon in September! It will help with my running and give me a good reason to not drink (so much, or overindulge -I think that sounds better). I may not actually run it, but I will at least train for it!
So I can test my new resolve starting this weekend. Tonight I'm going up to Evanston for a graduation party -two of Huge's work colleagues are receiving their PhD's and the boss is throwing a party. BUT, there is severe weather predicted for this afternoon/tonight with winds up to 70 mph! Eek. Hope everyone has a good weekend -I'll try to remember to check in and update you on my workouts!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Day 2 running log
That being said, I did day 2 of week 2 today. It was a 46 min run (including warm up and cool down) and I covered 4.41 miles. The first day I did 4.54 miles, but that was also a bit longer of a run (51 minute), so I think I did pretty well. Oh and also for training, I’m only going to run 3 times a week like they suggest. On my “off” days I’m going to cross train and try to incorporate more weights into my workout.
So my schedule for this week:
Monday: run (4.41 miles -46 minutes)
Tuesday: yoga
Wednesday: run (? Miles -46 minutes)
Thursday or Friday will be my 3rd run day, the other day will be my rest day: (? Miles -57 minutes)
Saturday: Weight class at the gym
Sunday: rest day.
Detox needed asap.
Friday night I went bowling w/ work. It ended up being a lot of fun –work people tend to be more fun outside of work! But I bowled pretty terribly –we played 2 games and I got 100 (exactly) both times. I also ended up staying out until 1 am! My plan was to have 3 drinks and that obviously was not a plan I stuck to. Anyway, while bowling my boss thought it would be fun to use some reverse motivation. Our team decided that for every pin left in your frame, you had to do one push up and if you got a strike then everyone else had to do one push up. Well as you can tell from my 100 score, I left a lot of pins up, which means I had to do a lot of push ups! It was actually pretty funny, but my arms were definitely sore after.
Saturday morning I went to a weight class at the gym and he concentrated on push ups! My arms were shaking after the first set! It was definitely a good class and one I should do more often because I am still sore today. Saturday afternoon I ran some errands and made cookies and pasta salad for my friends’ block party. It ended up being a good time, but the weather didn’t really cooperate with the on and off rain as well as the cool temperatures.
Sunday was a pretty lazy day but then I went to the Cubs/Sox cross-town classic. That was a lot of fun and I got my first experience in the bleacher seats at Wrigley! The weather held up for most of the game and it didn’t start raining until the 8th inning and then about 2 minutes from my front door it started to pour!
Anyway, obviously the weekend has been busy and food and booze filled… I really need to think about this detox. Maybe starting today?
Friday, June 11, 2010
Why am I on a shopping ban?

Sigh... so many things...
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Day 1 of C210K
Around twitter and on the internets there has been a lot of talk and hype about the C25K program and there are lots of fun little iphone apps that get you through the runs and then lets you tell twitter/facebook all about it (because let's be honest, if you don't tell anyone what you did, did it really happen?) and I decided that was the kind of motivation I needed. The problem is that I can already run a 5k. Granted it's not super fast, but I can do it w/out stopping so I consider that mission accomplished. But I don't run more than about 5 miles at a time, and usually I only do about 3.5-4 because of the time it takes so doing a 10k or a half marathon distance would be a new goal. Unfortunately there are no half marathon training iphone apps (can someone please get on that?) but I found the c210k app. Granted I'm not really starting from the couch, but it serves the same purpose. I started in week 2 and modified the walking parts to slow jogs, but I'm sure once it picks up I'll be following it more closely. Anyway, long story short, I'm starting the C210K program and day 1 was a success. 4.54 miles logged -not bad for me. And in case anyone is wondering, it's this app.

I'll keep you updated on the progress and to keep myself accountable to actually finish it!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Still not 21...
But in other news, my husband's coming home on Monday! Yea! To be honest, we were long distance for almost our entire relationship, so this time apart used to be our norm... but obviously I have become accustomed to being together and have missed him. Well, not all the time, but most of the time. So just a few more days and my personal chef (ahem, husband) will be back! yea!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
When will I learn?
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Corporate Challenge run 2010
Tonight may be my triumphant return to running (or sideline me for another few weeks! haha, I know, I'm dramatic). I’ll update you tomorrow with the result of the "Challenge".
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Anyway nothing crazy has been going on with me... I had a personal issue that I've been sorting through for the last few weeks, but I think that's all past me now. So moving on, that's really all the news I have.
Actually that's a lie. 2 weekends ago, 2 girlfriends of mine from Boston came to visit and boy did we have fun (and cause a little trouble!). We had a jam packed weekend trying to fit all the highlights of Chicago in a weekend. I think we were pretty successful. We went to a Cubs game of Friday afternoon and after a few beers (or 5, whatever) we went bar hopping in Wrigley. Now if you are from Chicago or have ever visited Chicago during a Cubs game, you know that Wrigley can get a little wild. And some of the bars are more geared for the young crowd... neither one of those things stopped us and we went on to harrass a few boys and surprisingly no one seemed to mind (and I'm sure most of them welcomed/enjoyed the extra attention from us!).

Anyway, after the festivities of Friday, Sat. was a much quieter day with a leisurely lunch, manicure and pedicure and then a late dinner and an even later show at Second City. The show at Second City was a lot of fun -it's definitely one of those things that I don't do very often, but when I go, I always wish I did more frequently. If you are ever in town and enjoy improv/sketch comedy, then I would recommend getting a ticket for Second City. It does however sell out (or at least the earlier shows -we had to get tickets for the 11 pm show), so reserve a ticket early. Sunday was a quick breakfast of waffles and then the ladies left.
The following week (last week) my mom came into town and we had a very relaxing and fun time together...
So that brings you up to date (for the most part). Now that the weather is turning nicer, it finally feels like summer! Summer in Chicago is the best... I'll keep you aprised of any high jinx that happen ;)
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Homemade dinner
Monday, May 10, 2010
Survived week 1
As most of you know, when Huge cooks dinner, he cooks dinner. It's not a frozen meal or prepackaged dinner, it's an honest to goodness well-rounded meal. And as most of you know, I am not a cook... frozen meals and prepackaged dinners are kind of my staple. And well-rounded meals? That's not really a requirement for me... a box of mashed potatoes or hummus can pass as a full meal for me! (that sound was the sound of my husband crying over my food choices).
Anyway, as the title says, I survived my first week alone. I also managed to cook last week. I did go out to dinner once, but that was it and I didn't order take out or delivery. However, I did only cook dinner once... and then proceeded to eat it every day for 6 days (and yes, that last day was probably a little iffy). For me it was totally fine, but I do know most would be appalled at eating the same meal for 6 days straight.
So moral of the story -I should cook more than once a week and try to have more well-balanced meals :) Luckily, this week I don't have to worry too much because I have some fabulous girl friends coming to visit which means lots of fabulous places to go out and eat!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Back to reality...
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Break from Japan

Sunday, April 11, 2010
Eating Osaka style
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Halfway through...

We ate lunch on our first day at the amazing soba noodle shop down the street that has been in business making handmade noodles for 300 years. Eating there seemed like a step back in time and in complete contrast to the craziness we had just left in Tokyo.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
This seemed like an interesting thing we should experience... what we weren't expecting was the incredible amount of people that were in the area. I have experienced large groups of people before in small spaces and I feel pretty confident in saying that I'm ok with crowds. I'm fairly patient and realize that we are all just trying to get from here to there, so there is no need to push and as long as everyone stays calm and orderly, that will happen in a relatively timely manner. Well Harajuku this particular Sunday was crazy. To say the street was crowded would be a great understatement. It was literally a sea of people -a sea of bodies that wanted to go in every direction possible, cutting in front of you to pop into the shop or to race past you to meet up with friends ahead. They were walking in every direction, which made it that much harder to navigate. It was impossible to take regular sized steps and impossible to swing your arms without hitting at least 5 people. To put it in perspective, it made Shubuya crossing seem calm and roomy!
We were told that Harajuku is pretty busy on Sundays, but this was more so than usual. Going down the length of the street, which I would assume would take all of 5 minutes normally, took us closer to 30... the sea of people was neverending, and then when we got to the top by Harajuku station, all you could see were swarms of more people coming off the trains and descending upon the streets.
I would still recommend going to experience and see the sights of Harajuku, i.e. the people watching, but be careful of the crowds. It reminds you that Tokyo is a densely and highly populated city, and I'm convinced I saw them all on that Sunday in Harajuku!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Hanami Party
There was a park by our hotel and we were impressed with what people had going on. People put down tarps to sit on along with blankets to fight off the chilly night air. Along side that was baskets of food and cases of beer and wine. And from the looks of it, people would come in the morning to hunt down the best spot and then stay well into the night.
On Sunday we were invited to attend a Hanami party with Sayuri. After seeing the parties that had taken place near our hotel, we figured we knew what we were in for... we were mistaken. We knew this was one of the larger parks for Hanami parties, and when we got there the only description I could come up with was that it was the Hanami Woodstock. Literally thousands of people in this enormous park under thousands of sakura trees. It was actually quite remarkable and beautiful, but we were not prepared for the sheer number of people. Getting to this party was quite the adventure -as it was near Harajuku, which was an adventure in and of itself.
Unfortunately, it ended up being a pretty cold day in Tokyo, so I don't think we were able to enjoy ourselves fully, but I could definitely see how it would be a great way to hang out with friends and family. If nothing else, I know that crowds do not deter the Japanese and they take every opportunity they can to celebrate.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Night out Tokyo style