Saturday, October 18, 2014

Pumpkin farm

The kids and I went to the pumpkin farm with some dear friends of ours. The good news is that this wasn't any ordinary, pick-a-pumpkin farm... there was also a pumpkin eating dinosaur:

An entire petting zoo (and regular zoo for that matter), including lots of animals you could feed. Callan especially enjoyed the giraffe (not pictured obviously, but in case you needed to brush up on your zoology).

And of course since we're in the midwest (which, I do sometimes forget), we got to witness our first (but not last) pig race.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

My little monkeys

My 2 little monkeys enjoyed the nice weather at the zoo.

Sigh, they are getting so big!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Nora's 12 month appt

Today was Nora's 1 year appointment and she passed with flying colors.
She's still giant and in the  90+ percentile across the board for height, weight and head circumference.

Since her 9 month appointment she grew about 2 inches and is 30.75 inches (93%), gained less than a pound (25 lbs 1.5 oz (97%) and her head is 18.74 inches (97.5%!).

She didn't really enjoy getting her shots, but it was worth celebrating her year with a cheeseburger and fries!

These pictures totally crack me up. I love it.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Dear Nora: Happy 1st birthday!

Dear Nora bug-
Can you believe it? It has been 12 months (and a few days) since you popped into this world, and what a crazy fast year it's been. It's been an amazing year to say the least, but it really has flown by at warp speed. I thought your brother's first year was fast, but when I think back I can remember some of his first year more vividly than yours. It's always amazing to watch babies grow -especially in their first year and especially when they're your babies. There's so much that's changed over the last 12 months and so many things that I want to hold onto and remember. Every day you grow bigger and bigger and I get to see more and more of your personality shine though. I get to see glimpses of the girl you're going to be and I'm so excited to be a part of that.

You've done so much this year and you've been such a great baby girl. Callan was a pretty great baby, so I was worried I was going to have to pay for it with a second, not as easy baby. But, you've proved all the sayings wrong. IF it's even possible, you were even MORE of a laid back baby than Callan. You are not (however) as good of a night sleeper as he was, but you go to bed early, take long day naps and are generally one of the happiest, fun babies I know. You have been teased a lot this first year by your gigantism, but it's just because there's so much of you to love! Everyone thought Callan was a big baby, but you've proven (once again) that you can do anything he can do and better! 

Nora bug, your first year truly has been amazing and I'm sad it's over and that it went by in the blink of an eye, but I know how much fun the next stages are going to be and I'm so excited for that. You already are showing so much personality and you and your brother are going to have so much fun together. Thanks Nora bug for making me a mom again and for making me look good at that.

I really had plans on learning how to make a proper video (i.e. editing it and cutting it down to fit perfectly in time with a song), but we all know that time around here is precious and there are some things I can't be bothered with... so here's your first year video. Mostly of pictures I took on my phone, unedited and too long b/c I couldn't cut out any more pictures (so sorry you're going to hear the song repeated).

Happy first birthday baby girl. You light up my life and I love you more than you can imagine.


Monday, March 3, 2014

Friday, February 28, 2014

What the heck

Holy moly. It is March. Which means that spring is around the corner (hopefully) and the kids' birthdays are coming up. Yikes. We are so behind in posting around here. There's a whole vacation that went undocumented and lots of little day to day stories. I NEED to get better about it... 

Anyway, someone is happy to hear that Spring is on the way... 

This one isn't so sure it's really going to come soon. He'll believe it when he sees it...

Monday, January 27, 2014


Selfies really are all the rage these days.

I let Callan play with my phone and when I get it back, I inevitably have about 20 of these kind of pictures (and then 20 of the corner of a chair or of his trucks).

Although every now and then, he'll let me in on the action.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

2014? Really?

Oh hi there! Are you still around?

It's been quiet around these parts and I have no idea how the time has been going by so quickly. It's already 2014. There was no Christmas post (spoiler alert, it was awesome), or year end wrap up or even a list of New Year's resolutions... And (shocker) there was no "Dear Nora" newsletter (or Dear Callan one for that matter). But you've reached the 9 month mark and that seems like a noteworthy month. I said with Callan, it was 9 months in, 9 months out and oh what a difference!

So here goes.
Dear Nora:
You are 9 months old... and amazing. You so desperately want to walk and are getting ready. The past month had you crawling with your belly (finally) off the ground. I realize that there is a lot of it, so I wasn't expecting it to happen so soon, but you are amazingly mobil. Once you set your sights on something you are off. For awhile the army crawl was your preferred method of transportation -and you were quick, but now you've got a proper crawl down. Now that you've mastered that,  you are pulling yourself up on everything and sort of shuffling around. Walking can't be too far behind, but I'd like to wait a little bit longer.

You are a pretty sweet baby still although you'll get vocal about things that displease you. Generally those things are minor, but you do not like being told "no" or being told not to play with hazardous things (plugs, lights, cords, etc).

You are eating like a champ although you're slowly starting to show less and less interest in milk. But, I get it... once you've tasted real food, who a liquid diet! So far there isn't a whole lot you don't like. You prefer to feed yourself, so you sometimes will lose interest in soft/puree foods that need to be fed to you, but you love to eat and you're drinking from a straw cup like a champ. The transition to solids took a little toll on your bowels, which your dad is oddly obsessed with, but I think you're ok.

You (please, please continue) are sleeping pretty well. Your naps are generally good (and on the long side) and you sleep (almost) through the night. You sometimes get up around 3/4am to eat, but most of the time go right back to bed until 6/7am (a few times you've decided that it's a good time to get up, but yeesh, it is not).

What else, you've finally got your first set of teeth -your bottom two. But that's it. I try not to compare too much between you and your brother, but your brother had 5 by his 9 month birthday. But don't worry, the lack of teeth are not slowing you down from chomping away at your favorite goodies.

We celebrated your first Christmas (yea!) with nana and papa in town and your first new year's eve party (that you slept straight through). Now that it's 2014, I need to gear up for your first birthday (what the what) and come to terms with the fact that my little baby is no more. You are a pretty awesome little girl and can't wait to see what 2014 has in store for you.


p.s. Although this picture depicts otherwise, you really did have a good time at Christmas dinner at the Four Seasons. I mean, think of all the food!

p.p.s. We had your 9 month well baby visit and it was pretty great. You are still giant -bigger (i.e. heavier) than Callan was, but shorter (you've stayed consistently 2 inches shorter than him since birth). You're in the 88th percentile for height (29 inches) and 99th percentile for weight (24 lbs, 14 ounces) and 100 percent perfect.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy new year

Here's to a fantastic 2014!

Nora was fast asleep by the time the above picture was snapped, so here's a random one of her popping in to wish you a happy new year too.