Monday, December 31, 2012

Dear Callan: month 20 and end 2012

Dear Callan-
Per usual, this newsletter is late... but I actually have a good excuse this time. We've been busy -we moved, had visitors, celebrated Christmas and had more visitors! It has been a busy and fun time with you. Even though I've gotten a monthly newsletter out later than this (we're only 9 days late right now), I couldn't let 2012 end without writing.

You are 20 months old... that's awfully close to being 2. How the heck did that happen? You are this silly, fun toddler with so much personality. You are a complete ham and are so entertaining.

Hamming it up in front of the Christmas tree.

We moved into the new house and you just love all the space. There's a den for all your toys and a long hallway for you to zip around on your radio flyer car. You've got your own room (with door!) and space for more books and a big comfy recliner to read them in. Now that you're removed from the living space, you sleep in and stay asleep once you've been put down (although getting you down needs some improvement. You only allow mama to do it if she's home and you are turning into a night owl. Your bedtime on average is between 9 and 9:30, which is fantastic on the weekends when we want to go out to dinner or visit friends, but is pretty late during the week!).

It's amazing to discover how much you know and understand and you'll completely take us by surprise. The other day we were putting diapers in your basket and suddenly you started counting. I've NEVER heard you count before and you won't do it when prompted, but suddenly as we were counting diapers placed in your basket, you chimed in and continued the count. I wouldn't say you're really talking yet, but you've got a good number of words down, you understand almost everything that is said and you've started mimicking/repeating more of what's being said to you (so note to all, clean up your language!).

You also are great at recognizing letters and numbers and animals (although you still insist on making the noises of some of the animals rather than saying their names) and I know that is all Adelia's doing. You guys have so much fun together and we are really lucky to have her be such a big part of your life.

Having fun with Adelia.

You love puzzles, your radio flyer car, your play kitchen, the ipad and watching Sesame Street. You've also taken to the stuffed animals and like to sit with them on the couch as you watch tv, read to them, hug them and feed them. As an toddler you are definitely trying to figure things out and constantly want to do things for yourself and make choices -whether it's where you sit at dinner, what to wear or when you're going to do things. 
Cutting your nails.

Trying on Mr. Potato Head's glasses and hat.

But being this close to 2, you may have started your "terrible 2s" early and you're not always so fun... You have a stubborn/independent streak and haven't quite figure out how to express it (other than by having a meltdown)

Having a tantrum about something -being inside, taking off your shoes, who knows.

And another... didn't like what was offered for dinner? Someone looked at you funny? Who knows -crazy toddlers!

But, usually you're pretty amazing and thankfully your meltdowns are pretty short and few. Your dada and I are so lucky to have you and we are having so much fun watching you grow up. I know the next few months are going to fly by and then you'll be a big brother, but I'm going to cherish these last few months of having you all to myself. I'm so excited to add to our family, but also sad since our dynamic is going to change so much. I know you're going to be an amazing brother. You're such a caring, affectionate and compassionate little boy who is so great with other kids and babies. I can't wait to see you interact with your new baby sister and teach her all sorts of great things.

2013 is going to bring lots of changes and 2012 went by way too quickly, but I wouldn't change a thing. We are going to have lots more fun and many more adventures together and I can't wait.

I love you munchkin. Happy 20 months.


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Cartoons in bed

Wish this was how I was spending my day...

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Hope your day was merry and bright.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Definitely starting to show

So I hit 25 weeks... Huh, that's weird. I feel like I just found out I was pregnant.. . Guess not. Definitely going by much faster than my last... guess I'm just busier! I'm almost done with my second trimester, which is insane to me.

I had a doctor's appointment this week and passed my glucose screening (yea), but I also gained a whole bunch of weight... oops. I had barely gained anything in my first trimester (I think I actually lost a few), but I've MORE than made up for it now. Shockingly, I've actually gained the same amount of weight (roughly) as I had the last time.... so I'm probably on track to gaining 50+ lbs again. Ugh. I was hoping to have a nice normal 25-35 lbs pregnancy, but I guess not. My doctor said, some people just gain a lot... guess I'm one of those "lucky" ones!

Here's the roundup
Weight: I'm up about 20 lbs since the beginning.
Maternity clothes: Definitely pants and some shirts. It's weird b/c I started this pregnancy a bit smaller than my last, so some of my non-pregnancy shirts still fit and my old mat pants are a little big, but I don't really want to buy more since this will (probably) be my last pregnancy.
Baby movements: Yes, this girl is a squirmy kicker. It's probably just retaliation since Callan inadvertently pokes her a lot (while trying to climb onto my lap), but she's got lots of movement.
Cravings/Aversions: Nope, pretty much everything is good... guess that's why I've gained 20 lbs. haha.
What do you miss: Nothing really. Beer and wine a bit (especially now that it's the season for revelry) and my clothes. I know part of it is because I'm being stubborn and not buying new stuff, but my clothes are *yawn* b-o-r-i-n-g!
Other: Nothing else really happening. Still trying to wrap my head around the fact that they'll be 2 little munchkins soon-ish. We moved into our new place last month and then we got all crazy with the holidays so there hasn't been a lot of time to think about this pregnancy.... but I'm definitely starting to feel (and look pregnant).

Here are some pics:

Yup, defiitely pregnant.

Monday, December 10, 2012


On Friday, Luke and Shelby came down to visit with Callan and Adelia. Unfortunately I wasn't able to skip work, but Huge snapped a few pictures before he left for work.

Callan is happy to see Luke.

Luke isn't so sure about the crazy hugging kid...

I think Callan misses his little buddy.

But when did they get so big?

They used to look like this: