Friday, March 1, 2013

35/35 -35 weeks down, 35 days left...

We are at that point where we're 35 weeks down and have 35 days left. That means there's a month (at most) left for this little girl to cook... This has gone by way too fast, but I'm excited to see this new little munchkin.

Weight: So, we're at 37 lbs... Ya...
Maternity Clothes: Yup and the shirts are getting shorter and shorter. I'm miraculously still fitting into my winter puffy coat, although by the end of a day (or after a big meal), it's definitely tight around the belly and I need to unzip it from the bottom a bit to sit comfortably.

Stretch marks/belly button: Still no stretch marks. This clearly goes to show that it's mostly genetics/luck that play into it. If it was just weight gain or size, I think I would have a bazillion already. The belly button is pretty flat and sometimes sticks out. It's not all the time and it's usually just one side (the left), which makes it look even odder. I'm not as weirded out by it as I thought I would be.

Baby Movements: Still rolling, kicking, punching and moving about. She's pretty active and every now and again she'll get something stuck up under my ribs (mostly my right side), where I'll have to gently coax her to move. She was breech at the beginning, so I'm hoping all this movement is just her way of settling into a nice head down position.

Cravings/Aversions: Nothing new to report. Same old, same old.

What I miss: After a day of eating and sitting, the belly's getting kind of uncomfortable, but considering my size I feel pretty lucky. I also miss being able to walk up the stairs/carry Callan or play comfortably on the the floor with him. I'm assuming the last few weeks are just going to get worse, but again, considering my size (and stage of pregnancy), I feel pretty lucky.

Other: Still feeling calm about everything. I've been talking to friends who have 2 and although I know it's not going to be a walk in the park, I'm not thinking it's going to be so difficult. Huge (of course) is freaking out a bit, but my philosophy is sort of like I'll get through it and there are tons of people who have gone through this before me. I may not remember what the first few weeks of newborn life are like, but we got through them (I do remember I made Huge come home early one day, but by the time he got home I was totally over whatever it was that I freaked out about). I think my expectations are realistic, but I'm also pretty optimistic that in the end it'll be fine.

I have a doctor's appointment and ultrasound in a couple of weeks, so it'll be interesting to see just how big this child is (I'm going with giant. I had a 2 vessel umbilical cord last time with Callan, which usually causes some growth restriction and yet I still managed to birth an 8lb, 21 inch baby) and maybe get a better idea of when I should prepare myself for her arrival.

Here's this week's picture so you can envision for yourself how giant this baby girl will be:

Don't mind Callan in the corner, he wanted to get in on the action. Also, yes, I know we're missing Callan's 22 month newsletter... it's not denial it's just a lack of time right now.


  1. You look great Rachel! Can't wait for your baby girl to get here!

  2. You are sweet, but lets call a spade a spade -I'm giant! When do I get to see you again? I miss you guys!
