Friday, March 18, 2011

35/35 and other updates

I have reached another pregnancy milestone 35/35 -I have completed 35 weeks of pregnancy and have 35 days left until my due date. Holy moly... that's just about a month at this point! I really should get cracking on my to do list. I would say I am generally a laid back person, but this is taking it to a whole new level! I guess part of the reason is that I know it'll be fine in the end and the actual taking care of the baby thing has never fazed me... the one thing that is stressing me out a bit? The visiting parents! haha. But, really, I should "prepare" myself and the house. I keep reading online all these April moms-to-be having their babies already, so the month I have remaining might not be that long at all.

In other updates, Huge and I attended our infant and child cpr and first aid class so now we can do cpr and help a chocking infant or child. Our next (and last) class is Saturday and my girlfriends here are throwing me a shower/luncheon on Sunday. Lots of baby things going on this weekend!

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